There are many question s on where to start when I chose this topic, Evolution or Creation? But every story should have beginning, so let ’s start and see where it is destined to end. Evolution is the theory of universe and life as per science. Creation is a faith or a belief of universe and life as per our religions. Both are showing the same truth in different dimensions, so what should we believe? There is always a conflict behind these two theories or beliefs. There are many people who argue why should we believe there is a higher being(s)? Should we believe in God even though there is no actual proof that it exists? I thought to reason it through the theory of evolution in an effort to understand creationism better. Why do we believe in evolution? (Evolution of Universe - big bang theory and Evolution of life) Evolution of Universe: The prevailing theory of evolutions is referred to as the Big Bang, where the universe is expanding from the point of singularity...