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Knowledge of Universe

Welcome to My View, from the corner of the Eye!

I am going to share my views about universe. The big mighty universe!!

Before moving to the content, I have a question to ask all of you. Have you ever been curious looking at the sky? Looking at the stars, moon and the Sun, have you ever thought what’s happening there, if yes let me tell you I am one of you.

My curiosity of extra-terrestrial matter:

In my younger years when I used to look into the sky, I used to get overwhelmed and curious. I don’t know what kept me glued to it; I and my curiosity have grown together. I started reading philosophy, mythology, religious books and books of cosmic sciences. After reading the books of cosmic sciences, I could relate to it, I could find a similarity between my thoughts and this knowledge. This answered lot of questions running through my mind all these years. I also started learning Vedas. Trust me it was astonishing to find out our ancestors had the same questions, the same curiosities, the same jeopardized minds. I was shocked to learn that the facts told by the modern scientists and the Vedas are defining the same thing. Both have similar definition to the questions about the Universe.

Let me share few things with all of you.

The modern scientists say the universe is 12 to 14 billion years old and the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Vedas tell the same story in a different way. Emphasizing the age of the universe being 8.64 billion years in those 4.32 billion years will be the creation and in the next 4.32 billion years the creation will be absorbed back. Similar to the well-known black hole theory.

The fact I want to state here is! From the available literature, may it be religious, mythology, books related to epics are only talking about the universe is being thousands of years old and not about the actuality, which is billions of years not thousands. Modern Scientists and the Vedic people are in sync with the universe being billions of years.

The multiverse (or the concept of cosmos), the modern theories say that the universe has no beginning and no end and even if it has an end and beginning no one knows about it. “We always define the universe with infinite”.

Vedas define “Vishnu” (personification of cosmos) to have no beginning or end if it’s there, only Vishnu knows about it. It says Vishnu is ‘anant’ (it’s a Sanskrit word meaning infinite)
Modern theory says, our universe started from a single point by big bang or big crunch and talks about the flow of energy due to big bang.

Vedas define “Brahma” (personification of universe/creation) evolved from the navel of Vishnu (single point of source) and the creation expands the way lotus flower arouses. Almost similar to the expansion of universe after the big bang.

Modern Theories say Big Bang or the energy explosions which cause the formation of universe; Vedas define “Shiv” (personification of energy) the creation/ the universe kick started every time with the beat of Damru (just like the bang/explosion).

After learning all these facts, I understood the curiosity which was inside me did not start in me. This is there in our ancestors; I understood that all these questions, these curious nerves, have always been there! From starting of our generations. Its IN-BUILT in our DNA. Till the time this DNA is moving forward every homo-sapiens will search for their roots, their existence. Where they belong! The knowledge of our ancestors is clearly evident from Vedas, the amount of hard work they invested to understand Cosmos, is immeasurable. They knew! The conflicts they had in their hearts, their generations will continue to inherit it. They did immense hard work to preserve that knowledge, and inherited to us in the form of Vedas. However we became deaf! DEAF to listen to the shout of their souls, their agony. We are unable to understand the emotions, the Knowledge, (their will) because the modern men already climbed the mountains of foolishness, believe me we are at the peak. We have given religious shade to Vedas. We ignored the knowledge which helps us in finding answers to our questions, to find out our roots (Who we are! Where are we from)?

My view is to convey to each and every fellow human, to use the knowledge which is available. Rather than limiting it with religion.
That’s all Hope you all liked it!

We’ll be catching up with some more interesting topic, till then bye Tilak Rathne!

Special Thanks to Priyanka Menghaney(co-editior)


  1. After all the hard work it came out really well..Proud Us :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree we become deaf and we are climbing the mountains of foolishness.

  4. Nice one macha . let the drums roll. Need more of these stuffs.

  5. Nice one macha . let the drums roll. Need more of these stuffs.

  6. Thank you, your research is truly appreciated. Waiting for new more...

  7. Its awsome Tilak. The facts are interesting and agree today people made themselves bound in the religious things and far from facts.

  8. Best knowledge blog I ever read, thanks Tilak and Priya for sharing this, please post more.

  9. Interesting work.. 👏👏 keep writing

  10. Interesting work.. 👏👏 keep writing

  11. Interesting work..
    Hope there is more ahead 👍

  12. Interesting work..
    Hope there is more ahead 👍

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It was interesting thilak... Waiting for more new info from u... Keep going... 👍👌

  15. Wow ! Kudos Tilak !! Expecting some more interesting content from u
    - sabarish

  16. Great one... tilak
    Keep dng it
    U kicked up the spark in me to knw abt the Cosmos..


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