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Know Your Dharma

Sanathan Dharma! How to define and where to start? Is this the oldest religion on Earth or the oldest human civilization? Or shall I say the knowledge preserved by our ancestors to mankind! Whatever it is understood today, the core purpose of the Sanathan Dharma is to let you know how to live in alignment with Cosmic law and lead you to liberation.

In the current belief system religions are majorly governed by 'A Book' that promotes the belief in God, you will go to heaven, otherwise the fire in hell is waiting for you. My question to you is, is the Almighty selfish? The one who created the entire universe and the multiverse, and the lord of non-living and the living, would have created rules for human beings separately? This is something that requires an in depth thought. Sanathan Dharma always talks about liberation. Liberation from the worldly things and to be aligned with the Laya (The Cosmic Law).

Sanathan Dharma talks about shrishti (creation), sthiti (sustenance), laya (delusion) which other religions could have never thought of or imagined. The philosophy of existence beyond the earth is non-existent to most of the religions. And thus, the other religious books do not talk about this ideology. The scriptures in the books talk about things which are evident in the existing human civilization and the ideology is primitive or contemporary in their respective time periods. They do not talk about the things that happened beyond Human Civilization and facts about the Universe creation. In today's world, following such scriptures and abiding by their guidelines or believing in them is as good as using an ENIAC machine(first computer) to fly a rocket.

Sanathan Dharma is the only religion or civilizations where the Vedas talk about the world beyond the earth. Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagvat Gita talk about how we need to be in alignment to nurture and other living beings. Once you read the scriptures of Sanathan Dharma, it becomes very evident that the religious books written later had the story-lines based on the Sanathan Dharma which is nothing but tweaking of the actual essence of Sanathan Dharma and drafting according to the mind set of the existing generation.

The story of Krishna and Kansa, all the events which happened during the birth of Krishna are similar to the Birth of Christ which includes the prophecies about him. They were divinely conceived one to virgin Mary and in the other case Load Vishnu himself descended on to Earth through the womb of Devaki. Both were born in unusual places, one in a prison cell and one in a stable. Angels in both cases issued a warning. Kansa wanted to kill Krishna. For this purpose, he sent demons and animals. Jesus Christ has a very similar story as well in which the evil king Herod actually issued a royal decree to warrant Christ's death. Innocent children were killed to ensure that the Lord would also die. Krishna's parents stayed in Mathura. Mary and Joseph stayed in Muturea. Krishna was a cowherd. Christ is often depicted as a shepherd and a lot of other similarities too.

The story of “Noah and the Ark” in the old testament is the same story of “MANU AND THE GREAT FLOOD" from Matsya Purana.In the Sanathan Dharma Manu (first appearing in the Shatapatha Brahmana and later in the Puranas & the Mahabharata), Manu helps save a small fish from being eaten by a bigger fish. He then raises the fish, until it’s almost the size of the entire ocean. The fish then transforms into Vishnu, the God will warn him about the great flood and he builds and saves him and seven great sages from the deluge. Manu then marries and re-populates the earth (the Sanskrit word for ‘human’ is manava, which literally means ‘Children of Manu’).

In Greek Mythology, Deucalion is forewarned of the flood and he builds an ark and staffs it with creatures. Similar legends exist in Norse Mythology, African legends and the foundational myths of the Quiché and Mayas, and the story of Utnapishtim in the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh.

Sumerian: The gods had decided to destroy mankind. The god Enlil warned the priest-king Ziusudra ("Long of Life") of the coming flood by speaking to a wall while Ziusudra listened at the side. He was instructed to build a great ship and carry beasts and birds upon it.

Babylonian: Enlil advised the gods to destroy all humans with a flood, but Enki had Atrahasis build an ark and so escape. Also on the boat were cattle, wild animals and birds, and Atrahasis' family.

Tamil: Half of the land mass Kumari Kandam, which was south of India, sank in a great flood, destroying the first Tamil Sangam. The lone survivor was a Tamil prince named Thirumaaran.

Islamic scriptures have similarities with the previous Monotheist religions, they believe the same belief system and Genesis ``In the beginning there is word and the word is God '' it is the continuation of Jewish and Christin beliefs. The rest of the stories are added from the contemporary situations of Arabia in the 6th century. To mention there are lots of stories which are similar with minor tweaks taken from the scriptures of Sanathan Dharma into these religious books.

The most unfortunate thing happened is this country was exploited by Arabs and Europeans for hundreds of years which caused massive destruction to the scriptures, temples and evidence of Sanathan Dharma. The knowledge from the scriptures are taken and interpreted in their religious books and yet they claim those are the only books on the earth which were sent by God , they say it with such conviction as if they directly received it from the hands of Almighty. With the name of secularism we are doing the remaining damage, we are calling the history of the land as “the great Indian myths” slowly removing it for the academics. I do not even hear any court in this world asking for the proof of existence of “Jesus of Israel'' or “Prophet of Mecca”, but we all know how long we need to wait or fight for proving the “Ram of Ayodhya”.

The reason why we do not promote Sanathan Dharma as compared to other religions is because this religion has no fixed belief system and the relationship with God is individual. The one who follows the path of Dharma will lead to Heaven and the one who deviate from it will end up in Hell. Thus it said "dharmo rakshati rakshitah". In Sanathan Dharma the relationship between You and God will never change, no matter whether you agree or disagree, believe or disbelieve, pray or crib he will be the same to you. Seeking God is the path to liberation (Mukthi) not for the award of heaven or hell, which will release you from the cycle of time and unite with the supreme reality.

Thank You Smitha and Thank You Raj for the help and support.

Disclaimer. The opinions posted on the site are solely owned by the site-owner and are no way intended to hurt anyone's religious,political,spiritual,brand,personal or fanatic beliefs and/or faith, whatsoever. It is also not to defame or disregard anyone's personal decision or his/her identity!


  1. Great info Tilak. Thanks for sharing. Contens is very catchy n interesting.

  2. Informative and interesting stuff to read, Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow Tilak... I will say this again... I never ever pegged you as philosophical or too spiritual! This is deep my friend... And very well researched and thought provoking! Kudos!

  4. Good one tilak nice info its interesting

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Good one Tilak..Didn't know you could write so well. waiting for the next one:) Monika

  7. Wonderful. Could relate to it.

  8. Wonderful...I really felt an emotional connect by the end. Waiting for the next..

  9. This is amazing. Every detail you put in this is so explanatory. Long way to go my friend.


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